Mike Strick

Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist®- Enrollment and Outreach Coordinator
Mike comes to The Grief Recovery Institute having witnessed exceptional outcomes for 15 years leading The Grief Recovery Method® as a Bereavement Coordinator at a hospice from 2007 - 2021. While there, he educated and guided thousands of grievers from all walks of life along their grief journey and led more than 120 Grief Recovery Method® Grief Support Groups. He also took the opportunity to personally use the Grief Recovery Method to work through multiple losses in his own life.
Mike was drawn to work with death, dying, grief and loss after a series of his own tranformative spiritual experiences. He takes a holisitic approach to daily life incorporating nature, whole foods, meditation, yoga, exercise, silence, and consciousness exploration in his everyday choices.
Before working in hospice, Mike spent 14 months living in an ashram exploring monastic life. He is trained as a mental health therapist and has a MA in Psychology – Mental Health Counseling, and he has worked as a counselor with adults with special needs, as a counselor in a college counseling office, and as a career and job loss counselor with adults. He also has a BS in Business and spent the first ten years of his career in various sales and human resource positions with Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses and start-ups.
Mike and his wife currently live in Cincinnati, Ohio and enjoy hiking in the woods, reading books aloud to each other, and making each other laugh.
Mike serves on the GRI Sales and Marketing Teams.