Sandi Derby

Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist® - Trainer - GRM Marketing Coach

Sandi personally experienced the GRM in 2006 after ending a three and a half year meth addiction. Her most devastating loss experiences happened during her young life. Sandi was physically, sexually and verbally abused for the majority of her childhood. She has a passion for supporting others in understanding the losses associated with abuse and utilizing the tools of the Grief Recovery Method to resolve those losses.

Sandi Derby is an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist®, Life Coach, GRM Marketing Coach, Author and Speaker. Sandi has an established career in the corporate sales and marketing sector that spans over fifteen years. Sandi began her journey as a Specialist in 2010 and took her practice full time in 2012. Since then, she has learned the ins and outs of marketing the GRM and has established a successful practice that provides nearly a hundred people annually with the benefits of the Method.