Testimonials For Pet Loss Support Groups

5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Fort Worth, Texas
5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Fort Worth, Texas
5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Fort Worth, Texas
4.00 Stars

I have found myself "remembering" and reflecting on my cherished discoveries over the weeks since completing it. I have not been burdened by guilt over the "Sorrys" and "Should haves" I dealt with, only feel better prepared for my relationships moving forward.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Columbus, Ohio
4.00 Stars

David was always listening, reflective, sensitive, and patient with each one of us. He was also transparent about his own struggles, which I appreciated. His feed back and insights were well received and welcome. I believe David is in the right role in helping all of us who have big hearts for furry friends. I will be continuing to reflect and process the systems and hope to find more peace of mind and completion of my work in the future. The group process is most helpful in that we get to pour out our hearts to others who can truly identify with our loss. GRS is one very good place to find the help we need. Thank you.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in n/a, n/a
5.00 Stars

The facilitator was awesome. I would highly recommend her to others dealing with grief and loss. She has had such a positive impact on my life.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Bethel Park, PA
5.00 Stars

Louise Griffey is a compassionate and empathetic grief specialist who lead me through the steps and work needed to process the devastating and traumatic loss of my pet. I have completed the valuable 6 week program and I now have the tools to work through other losses. I know she is there to provide support when I need it again.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in n/a, n/a
5.00 Stars

Natalie was so kind and gentle with my feelings. I probably used 1,000 tissues, and I never made it more than 5 minutes without crying. She helped me to heal from the guilt I felt about losing my cat, and I am forever grateful for her making this opportunity available to me in my area. I drove an hour every week for my class with her, and I looked forward to it every week.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Findlay, Ohio
5.00 Stars

I was glad Natalie was able to do a one on one session with me. I got scared to go to the class because I didn't want other people to judge me. I don't know if any would have but I was embarrassed about my grief. Natalie was able to give me a safe space. As she said she met me where I was at emotionally. Recommend!!

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Findlay, OH
5.00 Stars

The facilitator had great compassion and was able to relate to us all. I feel better prepared for experiencing my dogs passing (near future) then I was before taking the class.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Pittsburgh, Pa
5.00 Stars

Louise showed great empathy and guided me through the programme with skill and support. It has made a huge difference to my life.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in N/A, N/A
4.00 Stars

Louise's personal experiences and the way she talks about her own loss closely mirrors how I felt, and so it made me feel that no matter what I said I would be understood. I like that at the start of every session she would ask us about challenges and wins, although sometimes I didn't think I had anything in a category. I might have liked more chances to speak about our feelings, even though that isn't a step in the program.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

Louise was so supportive and understanding. I was able to express my grief in a safe way.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in N/!A, N/A
5.00 Stars

Andi is exactly as the initial review stated that led me to work with her in the first place: she is an angel on earth! Her heart, the empathy with which she leads - and the just absolute care she takes with your heart - is just unlike any any other I've experienced. I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her through this program. She holds space for you, and it's very clear from the very first meeting. God bless you always, Andi.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Boise, Idaho
5.00 Stars

Worked well, though it could be longer

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in N/a, N/a
5.00 Stars

Helped me to work through the biggest loss I’ve ever experienced.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Brooklin, Me
5.00 Stars

I had a very difficult time following the loss of my dog. Traditional counseling didn't seem to help. After a lot of searching online, I found TGRM specifically for pet loss. I am so grateful for this resource and wish I had known about it earlier in life. I think every veterinarian office should have information on this incredible resource.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Reno, NV
5.00 Stars

The book was helpful but without the facilitators it would not have helped me with my grief. I found the homework challenging but it was what helped me to create my letter to Banjo and provide me with some closure. Thank you

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Wethersfield, CT
5.00 Stars

The grief recovery method navigated and supported a journey I had to take from pet carer to pet loss. It gave me the strength to hold difficult conversations and make decisions that needed to be made, although heartbreaking and painful. It allowed me to more fully embrace to support and kindness from friends, family and colleagues and make positive steps to remember my dog in happier times.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Dublin, Dublin
5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Ballina, Mayo
5.00 Stars
Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Online, Ireland
5.00 Stars

I feel more at ease with my loss and with myself. I can now forge my path as I know it is meant to be.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Nottingham, PA
5.00 Stars

Ingrid was empathic, honest and warm from the first session which made it easy for me to talk about the loss of my beloved dog. The specific pet loss programme made me feel that my grief was as valid as anyone else's which was a huge relief. Not ever having been taught about grief meant I knew very little but with the skills I have learnt I believe I can transfer some of those to any future loss. The homework including looking back over all the major events in my dog's life has given me a greater perspective and allowed me to feel much calmer about losing him but more importantly it has given me the ability to remember and treasure his memory moving forward. I can't thank Ingrid (or the programme) enough she was excellent.

Pet Loss Support Groups
Participant in Gomshall, Surrey
