Testimonials For Heather Horton

4.00 Stars

I was able to uncover memories which have interrupted my life but I wasn't sure what was happening and why I could not move past certain events. I was able to name what I was feeling and stop judging myself or fitting my grief into timetables and processes that society encourages. It was true self care because I took the time to explore events from childhood and be honest about how they continue to impact me to this day. Now that I know the method and I have spoked aloud some of my challenges, I feel a lightness and like I can move forward.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

Initially I wasn't sure if the program would help me, but it did. I felt tremendously better by the end. I like the fact that the program "normalized" the grief experience and provided strategies to move through the experience in a respectful and honest way that fully acknowledges the grief experience and its impacts.

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

Surprisingly well after I had tried everything else.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Wash, DC
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Online, Virtual
5.00 Stars

Targeting my emotions and area, that I needed to address. Understanding there is no cycle of grief.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Baltimore , MD
5.00 Stars

Heather helped guide me through this 7 week Grief Recovery Method. Although, I had first started seeing her following the death of my mother, we quickly discovered other nuclear family relationships that were causing me much pain and holding me back from my full potential. I credit her and the program in opening my eyes to what grief fully encompasses, from death to a new job. I realized that all my reactions to my experiences with loss were normal. What Heather taught me was how to cope with these cumulative losses on top of the loss of my mother in a healthy way. I allowed myself to grieve and then to find completeness through the methods in the workshop. her vulnerability in sharing her own story gave me so much strength. If she could get through her own struggles, I was determined to get through mine. That was by far the biggest impact from the sessions, was her being so transparent with me about her own grief journey. I felt I was opening up to someone who completely understood where I was and where I could be in my grief journey. Thank you Heather!!!! I thank God for placing you in my path in my darkest hours of grief.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Philadelphia, PA
4.00 Stars

The grief recovery method has opened a gateway for me to be able to work with different losses and relationships in my life . Being able to plot the loss history and relationship history although challenging and painful provided the necessary perspective of a more ‘whole’ sense of my relationship and loss. Being able to acknowledge and speak ( with a coach ) the undelivered communications brought transformation.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Chicago, IL
5.00 Stars

I can honestly say, I have completed my pain around the lack of emotional availability that my family members unknowingly demonstrated. I will use the methods throughout many other relationships that I have. Thank you for such outstanding work!

Support Groups
Participant in Washington , DC
4.00 Stars

Participating in the program allowed me to identify and recognize my use of STERBS as a means of avoiding and confronting grief that was experienced. It also allowed me to adopt a different perspective regarding how to adjust my reaction as it relates to past and present relationships that have impacted me in life. I found it helpful to complete the Relationship Graph and to write the Completion Letter. It provided me with info regarding the different types of loss, which I had not taken into consideration. It provided me with some tools that can be used to address grief that may affect me in the future.

Support Groups
Participant in SE Washington, DC
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Washington, D.C.