Testimonials For Keeley Ward

5.00 Stars

Keely was professional and soft in all the right places. Her kind demeanor and open mind made it easy to share openly and honestly. While she was emotionally soft, she was still structured and made sure we all didn’t break the boundaries of the establish relationships.

Support Groups
Participant in Online, Online
5.00 Stars

Keeley Ward has an impeccable ability to create safety and warmth when leading the group. She is very present in verbal language and body language/presence. This allows for trust within the group when sharing. She has both empathy and compassion….and maintains her boundaries…again creating safety. I felt free to be vulnerable in sharing my stories while safe enough to allow my emotions to arise and flow uncensored by me.

Support Groups
Participant in D/A, D/A
5.00 Stars

It has worked out very well for me. It has taught me new tools and techniques!

Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I have the chance to heal and live my best life. This program is a perfect way to walk the journey of grief. Everyone needs the opportunity to experience this. Cost may be an issue for many, however, if payment plans are available, please consider that.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I lost another family member and noticed I was yet again using poor behavior to handle my grief. Thus, I looked for a more healthy way to process and found the Grief Recovery Method. It is a method that I can apply to any lost family member, lost friend or lost pet. It is helping me process and manage my grief in a new and powerful way.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Method gave me a structure with which to process my emotions surrounding the loss of my husband. It was a cathartic process that I highly recommend to others who feel stuck in their grief. It's work but if you put in the time, you will reap the benefit. Keeley Ward was an empathetic and caring guide throughout the 8-week process for our group. Highly recommend her too!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program showed me how to admit and express my anger and grief at the death of my father 35 years ago. My unexpressed anger had festered within me for all that time and it is such a relief to have finally expressed the emotional issues that I could never face before and to finally let my dad go. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I went through the Grief Recovery Process with Keeley. I learned about unresolved loss, and the process through which I can emotionally feel a sense of completion with this loss. I applied what I learned, and the impact has been profound. I became a student of my life, seeing for the first time, just how much material participation I had in the creation of my losses. I stopped blaming other people and other things for my losses. I saw my shadows contributing to and creating these losses. I felt the emotional wounds caused by my feelings of guilt and shame and anger. Through the process, I acknowledged and accepted my shadows, seeing my darkness and light in the same light. I forgave myself, I accepted myself, and perhaps for the first time... I love myself. I feel a sense of completion with all of my losses, as each taught me things about myself that I otherwise would not have learned. I now view those who have triggered me the most, as my greatest teachers. I am at peace with it all. I am now experiencing greater love, joy and peace in my life. Keeley has been instrumental throughout my grieving process, holding space without any form of judgement, guiding me as I delved into deeper aspects of myself. I am grateful of Keeley, and to have learned how to properly grieve loss, arriving at a place of peace and wholeness. The monkey chatter is no more. Thank you, Keeley. I feel blessed.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Loved the simple format that allows you to easily address your emotions one step at a time without becoming overwhelming or all consuming. Helped me become aware of my feelings and blind spots, as well as let go and accumulated complete losses I was unaware were still affecting me. Investing in counselor, the book, and the time to do the work paid off in being free from suffering any longer.

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

It opened up a whole new way of looking at grief and loss. I came to the sessions looking for help dealing with the loss of my dear husband of 30 years. Preparation of the Loss History Graph made me realize all of the losses that have occurred in my life and how those losses affected many other aspects and relationships in my life. It was a real awakening and contributed to my awareness of how I can apply this method to help me with completion of other losses that I have encountered. I am grateful for this experience and the kindness, compassion and knowledge of Keeley, my guide through this journey. It would be wonderful if this method could be a course offered in grade school!!! This information would be a tremendous tool to understanding and having more self-awareness growing up. I am a little sad it took me so long to come to this knowledge but I am grateful that I have this awareness now.

One-on-One Online Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

It gave me a structure that is useful. My facilitator had excellent skills and empathy.

One-on-One Online Support