Testimonials For Kari Driskell

5.00 Stars

Not only did I learn how to navigate my own grief, but how to choose my words carefully to others in their losses. Kari made me feel heard, loved and let me know whatever I was feeling was ok. She is amazing.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Dallas, TX
5.00 Stars

The program was so beneficial in my healing. It helped me feel lighter and know that I will still miss my husband and the life we shared and planned for but the pain does not need to be as intense or be as heavy. I will still have moments of sadness but that's all they will be is moments, not the entire day (or days). Kari was amazing, I'm so glad I joined this program.

Support Groups
Participant in zoom, MO
5.00 Stars

This program was absolutely amazing. I am still surprised how this program works. I no longer have a heavy heart. I feel alive again. And I am ready to find myself and start living for me. I have learned I can still love my spouse and have happy memories and not be overcome with sadness. I can look at pictures and tell stories with a happy fulfilled heart and not a broken one anymore.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in webster, ma
5.00 Stars

The program helped me with getting over the pain of the loss of a spouse and how to cope with my feelings.

Support Groups
Participant in Fort Washington, MD
5.00 Stars

Kari has shown me how to turn my deep grieving into a healthy form of missing my husband. I will be forever grateful to her for helping me to not live in a snapshot of time where I felt that I could not laugh or be happy again. With her help, I now miss my husband, but I am not walking around exhausted from actively deep grieving him. I am able to start to live again. Kari is an amazing Grief Guru, and she rocks the GRM.

Helping Children With Loss
4.00 Stars

It helped me look back through my life and through my loss and Continue to heal

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The grief recovery method was life-changing in my situation. Prior to this journey, I was emotionally driven and not treating myself the way that I needed to with grace. With the amazing support of Kari, I am slowly returning to the best version of myself that I can be for me and my family!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

This program has helped me to continue to grow & learn in this new world I was thrown into. I know I have a lot of work I still need to do for myself but I feel that I am on the right track

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Method helped me deal with the unbelievable, mind numbing pain of losing my husband of 36 + years but it is so much more than that. It turns out there were things in our relationship I thought we had taken care of that I was still holding on to and they were causing a lot of pain. The tools I learned and applied allowed me to work through those issues-apologize, forgive, and now be able to freely enjoy my memories of him without all of the hurt, sorrow, and anger. Now I smile and laugh when I see something that reminds me of him or someone tells me a story they remember about him. It is so freeing! I feel so much lighter and clear headed; no more "widow's fog"! It was emotional, ugly cry, hard work-for seven sessions versus feeling that way for the rest of your life. I'm so thankful I learned about this program and chose to do it!

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

Kari Driscoll really helped me let go of the guilt I was feeling after my husbands death. She helped me feel more at peace with the loss and able to enjoy the memories of my husband without feeling so much pain.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I am so grateful for Kari Driscoll’s help and walking me through the Grief Recovery program. I am walking away feel so much lighter and peaceful in my heart and mind! Kari was easy to talk to, yet had a no BS approach and offered comic relief always at the perfect time. Methods used will stay with me for a lifetime and help in any losses moving forward. My loss was not “traditional” so to speak yet was still so very much effective! Thank you!!!

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

What should have been my husband's 32nd birthday came and went recently. Then my first Mother’s Day without him here to help the kids recognize that and my first birthday without him chasing me around the kitchen trying to spank me and making fun of my age. Soon, I will experience our first wedding anniversary without him, and more firsts are to come… I continue to miss seeing his beautiful face when I get home from work, holding his hand as we watch TV together, hearing him laugh with the children, getting the most random texts from him, and so much more. While it all hurts and a sadness still lies deep in my heart, I am feeling the burden lighten, even if just a bit. I will ALWAYS miss and love Eric. I can also move forward and live my best life for our children and myself, which is exactly what he would expect and want. Never did I imagine that I’d say that only 6 months into this journey. I have to give a huge shout out and thanks to Kari Driskell :: Grief & Widow Coach. The tools I learned and the openness and understanding that I received through our sessions were invaluable. Thank you, Kari!

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

It helped me realize that I was grieving and how to overcome this terrible issue in my life. I now know how handle grief and the emotions, feelings and sadness that accompany it.

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

When I started this program I was stuck. My heart was broken when I lost my husband 9 months ago. I had so many regrets and was in constant turmoil trying to deal with grief that was weighing me down. Kari helped me put all those regrets, doubts, "could've, would've, should've" on a piece of paper that made sense to me. It helped me to understand why I was feeling the way I was. This program is not easy but it is so worth it! What surprised me the most is when I got done with the last assignment, it showed me that we had so many great moments with each other. There was so much love. All those little disagreements were nothing compared to all the great times. I remember driving home that evening and the sun was a little brighter and my heart wasn't as heavy. And, I didn't feel stuck anymore. Sure there are times I still get stuck but now I have the tools to help me. I am so grateful to Kari and this program for helping me see all the things that are important.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

When I started I wondered if it was too soon, do I need to grieve Craig longer? This program was hard! I didn’t know I could produce that many tears at one time, in every single session.Kari said “While grief will have a lifelong impact you are not meant to grieve forever. Grief is a teacher” and this is how I knew I didn’t do it too early. I did this now because when my mom died I wanted to die, for more than 2 years, and I could not and did not want to feel that way for that long again. After going through this program I have a lighter head, literally my head feels lighter, things matter again, I’m not consumed about the shit that was the last year, and I know I’ll be ok. I’m so grateful to Kari, for her compassion, her honesty, her ability to listen so well, and just being so present with me as I walked this journey.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It was an amazing program, it hit everything I was feeling at the time and has given me the opportunity to live my life again. I now have the tools to reevaluate my life to see how I can become better and work through those losses if they come back in my life.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

My son died and I had other children at home. I needed to keep going so I ignored my grief for 16 years until I was tired of being so angry at everything. I saw a Facebook post about Kari and this program so I checked it out. I was immediately comfortable and at ease with Kari. I trust her and felt very safe. The work was hard but I am very grateful for Kari's gentle prodding and encouragement along the way. The Grief Recovery Method has helped me to start to let go of the hurt, but not let go of the memory and love. I feel like I have better skills and mental preparedness after completing the Grief Recovery Method to navigate future losses as well.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The sun is shining again and I'm light hearted thanks to Kari and the Grief Recovery Method. While I still have moments where shed some tears, they pass quickly. I'm finding joy again in the simple things and most importantly, my mindset has shifted. I am thankful for every moment I still have with my husband as he slowly fades away due to dementia. We laugh more and we love more. Before I was mad and yes, at times mad at him for getting sick. Not anymore!!!!! While our life will never be the same, we are living to the fullest what life we have together and treasuring every moment. Whatever version of him I wake up with each morning it's going to be ok because I have the tools I need. If you are reading this and thinking....should I sign up? Do it!!!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program helped me with my loss in a different way I always had before. When my husband died suddenly, I was at a loss on how to go forward. I had been with him for 36 years and trying to find my new life has been very challenging. Kari helped me work through some things that were not allowing me to live. I knew I couldn't spend the rest of my life despondent over his loss. He wouldn't want me to live like that either. I'll never not stop loving him and missing him, but the resulting anxiety and depression has lifted and I'm seeing my life I bit clearer.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program was so helpful. Kari was so kind and open in sharing her journey and being a safe space for me to scream and cry and grieve. I feel so much better equipped to deal with the loss of my husband and the hard times I know I have ahead.

One-on-One Online Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Thanks to this phenomenal program I now have the skill set for anything that comes my way! I also feel I’m thriving and a huge weight has been lifted!!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Program gave me a path to healing. My husband and I were in a wreck and he died at age 51, as I tried to breathe for him. Becoming a widow at 48 I felt lost, alone, hopeless. My first meeting with Kari brought me a comfort in knowing someone understood what I was going though, someone could relate to an unexpected death at a young age. This was incredibly important to me, having someone that got what I was going through. Throughout the program I was taught to truly evaluate my relationship and appreciate not only the love, but the grief. While I felt (and still feel) like the rest of the world just kept on turning while I was stuck in hell, Kari understood and gave me a safe space to talk, cry, laugh and learn about how to move forward in this world that continues to turn. I am also struggling with a brother who has stage 4 cancer and I know, sadly, that I will be losing him, but I now know I can use this program to help me through that loss as well. I have been to many widow groups, therapists, PTSD treatments, Kari brought a personal, free to say what you want environment that, on many days, allowed me to breathe and put that next step forward. I'm so thankful.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
