Testimonials For Noraleen Greenidge

5.00 Stars

The grief recovery method helped me learn a lot about myself specially in the emotional aspect. I am not an emotional person as I am more of a stoic but I learned from grief recovery that it is perfectly ok to feel and express your feelings, in fact it is very beneficial and liberating. I also learned to listen to others without judging them. I learned about the relationship graph where you can examine and be aware of your deepest emotions that you experienced with the person or event that you are grieving about. I also learned about the STERBS or the unhealthy habits we develop to deal with grief. I also learned about completion through apologies, forgiveness and acknowledgement. Overall, it was a great learning experience. Thank you.

Support Groups
Participant in Baltimore, MD
4.00 Stars

I think it took a load of my shoulder and gave me a sense of direction

Support Groups
Participant in Hanover, Md