Testimonials For Kim Hanlon, MA Health Education

5.00 Stars

Losing a loved one is a terrifying and disorienting time, and I am so grateful to have found this course. When I started working on this course I was consumed with sadness about my mom’s sudden death. The Grief Recovery Method has completely transformed my grief into gratitude for my mom and our 32-year relationship. I could not have imagined 2 months ago feeling so much peace and optimism about this loss and about my future. My facilitator was a great listener and I felt like she always knew just what to say. Thank you for creating this course!

One-on-One Online Support
3.00 Stars

The facilitator was good but I'm not entirely sold on the method. It is assumed that total strangers can be a "heart with ears," but there is no reason to assume that strangers are listening sympathetically to your words, especially if you are grieving over a relationship in which you felt you fell short. I think there needs to be something that builds trust and intimacy between the participants before it makes sense to bare your most private moments and memories with them. Still, I found the exercises useful.

Support Groups
Participant in Alameda, CA - California
5.00 Stars

It helped me to perceive grief in a new way and find coping mechanisms along with that happiness can be found after loss.

Support Groups
Participant in Alameda , CA
4.00 Stars

The program was excellent in that it steered me towards examining a core relationship and shedding light on how that has affected all of the relationships in my life. It elucidated the fact that feeling grief is largely attributed to the quality of our relationships. It also gave me practical steps for graphing out my losses and relationships in a way that will give me relief from the pain that I have been carrying.

Support Groups
Participant in Alameda, CA