Testimonials For Naomi Gilman

5.00 Stars

The program has been so helpful for me. I didn't realize how exhausting my grief had been and how it was decreasing my capacity. Completing my relationship with my grief in the relationship I chose has helped impact more than just that relationship. I am so thankful.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Ottawa, Ontario
5.00 Stars

It has made me aware how many losses I’ve had in my life but have dismissed them. Working through this program has made me aware and helped with how I can communicate with others.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

I will be forthright in saying I didn't agree with everything stated in the book (hence the 4/5), but in terms of the overall concept and the Recovery Methods simple, yet valuable wisdom: 5/5. I think everyone should hear about this!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

This program was great! Very eye opening. I now feel better equipped to listen and support friends and family that nah be experiencing or grieving a loss. I now understand grief on a deeper level, I understand the way we shut it down and why, and I understand the things we may do to help us feel better during difficult times. I feel like I will be a better friend and parent going forward, and a better support to myself.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program really helped me deal with my relationship with my mum in a way that I hadn't tried before and I tried many hours and years of counseling for that specific relationship. Thank you so much.

One-on-One Online Support
4.00 Stars

The program gave me the right tools to know how to deal with grief in the future. It helps me to understand the importance of knowing when I'm experimenting with grief to deal with it.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I learned several styles that apply to the journeys through grief. Thought provoking. Methods to consider breaking down elements, and learning about STERBs. My journey continues with the tools incorporated within the Grief Recovery Program. Thank you to Naomi, and the Founders.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The Grief Recover Method program made me realize how grief is totally misunderstood in our society today. I was amazed and grateful to learn that grief isn't just about losing someone to death; that there is so much more to it. The significance of other losses in a lifetime also has an impact on how we feel grief. This program was a real eye opener. Thank you. It was certainly a gamechanger for me.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups