Testimonials For Lisa Banu, Ph.D, RYT

5.00 Stars

It gave me peace and consolidation. I learned techniques to keep me grounded.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I thought it was very healing to reevaluate the entire relationship and put everything out there that was left unsaid. I feel very much at peace since the last session.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in West Lafayette, IN
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in West Lafayette, Indiana
3.00 Stars

The best part for me was the support from the others and knowing that I was not alone nor weird. Lisa, our facilitator helped me to be kind and good to myself.

Support Groups
Participant in West Lafayette, IN
5.00 Stars

It set me on the right path of patience, listening.

Support Groups
Participant in West Lafayette, IN
5.00 Stars

I learned a lot about my own grief, but also how to talk to other grieving people. This was most important with people who had lost children.

Support Groups
Participant in West Lafayette, IN
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Lafayette, IN
5.00 Stars

Wonderful program. I began the process with no idea what to expect and I was worried about the buried feelings that I’d be digging up. With the facilitator’s guidance, our group put in the work and came out feeling lighter. I’d definitely recommend the Grief Recovery Method to family and friends.

Support Groups
Participant in Lafayette, IN
5.00 Stars

I like the methodology. It is very clear and I believe it will be practical going forward. I like the relationship graph—it helps to see patterns of interactions over time and I think writing the letter at the end is a good way to put the pieces into place.

One-on-One Support
Participant in West Lafayette, IN