Grandma Gerri was maybe 4'9". That may be an exaggeration, but I remember her as this sweet, beautiful grandma I loved dearly. She passed away years ago, but in my childhood, we walked from my apartment building to the bus and would ride the bus to different places.
Navigating grief can be difficult, especially when it comes to knowing what to say and what not to say to friends who have suffered from a miscarriage.
I'm a parent, and something I see that breaks my heart is how many parents out there have unresolved pain, unresolved hurt, and unresolved loss. Some of us have lost people dear to us in tragic ways.
When I was 19 years old, back from my first year of college, my world was shaken by a devastating phone call. My dad received the news that my friend Esteban had died in a drunk-driving accident on a highway in Texas.
It's important to recognize and honor all forms of grief, not just those related to death and divorce. Grief is often overlooked when it comes to non-traditional losses like "empty nest syndrome" - when your kids go away to college or move out of your house.