Testimonials For One-on-One Support

4.00 Stars

The program helped me to see the pain of grief and the loss as separate. I can acknowledge the loss with less attachment to the pain.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I have learned that loss equates to more than death. I have learned to deal with my interpersonal relationships and the issues with loss of trust, loss of communication, etc. This program has helped me resolve my feelings on many relationships.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Toms River, NJ
3.00 Stars

I feel I am better prepared to respond to people who are grieving the loss of someone in their life who has died, or are experiencing other kinds of losses, especially loss of trust and safety. I want to alleviate the isolation that is perpetuated by "the society" you refer to that keeps a stiff upper lip.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Vancouver, WA
5.00 Stars

The counselor was outstanding in her communication skills

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Mexico City, DF
5.00 Stars

OUTSTANDING! This GRM Program has helped me deal with my grief/loss. It has also helped me deal better with everyday life. This has also brought me to deal with other losses that I’ve been carrying around for many years. My program facilitator made me feel safe talking about my life history and the grief I held in and to know that I was normal with whatever I was feeling. I recommend this program to anyone. Super outstanding and my program facilitator was outstanding as well. I hope this is happening worldwide.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Dededo, Guam
5.00 Stars

I never planned to go to Grief Counseling, I wasn’t grieving the loss of any loved ones! I didn’t have any grief that was dealing with. I was basically forced to go to counseling to keep my job and was given the name of Heather Leigh, so I scheduled an appointment and showed up. When the program was being presented, I remember thinking “I don’t need grief counseling”, then my next thought was “well I’m here, I might as well see what this is all about” As I listened to what the program about, I started to think that “there may be something to this program”. I took the book and the homework assignment and scheduled my next appointment! As I worked through the program I discovered that there really was something to the Grief Recovery Program. It turns out grief is not just about the loss we experience from the death of a loved one. We can experience grief from any number of losses. It is not unusual for us to stuff the pain from repeated losses, which can result in any number of bad behaviors. It turned out that my negativity and anger, along with the tendency to isolate from others were all Short Term Energy Relieving Behaviors, as ways to numb the pain from unresolved losses! I had been working on my own with multiple self-help books to curb my bad behaviors which would improve for a time and then I would regress again! With the Grief Recovery Program, I have finally uncovered the losses that were triggering the pain and the behaviors I was using to numb the pain! This program has given me the tools to help me finally, “complete” these losses and move on with my life in a positive way! The tools I learned from this program are tools I can utilize for the rest of my life to complete losses immediately and not stuff the pain and revert back to bad behaviors! Thanks to the Grief Recovery Program and Heather Leigh, I am getting my life back!

One-on-One Support
Participant in Elgin, SC
3.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Duluth, Minnesota
3.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Lawrenceville , Nj
5.00 Stars

It was an outstanding experience. I found it to be helpful and informative and June gave me a safe place to talk and heal. I was able to let go of unresolved feelings and pain.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Cooper city, Fl
4.00 Stars

I learned about the grief process and a lot about myself

One-on-One Support
Participant in cooprt city, fl
5.00 Stars

It was a new technique of drawing graphs, learning myths and STERBS.

One-on-One Support
Participant in North York, Ontario
5.00 Stars

I believe in the GRM Program .... not only from personal experiece, but as an Advanced Specialist. I have seen it work wonders for my clients. I am proud to be an Advanced Specialist!

One-on-One Support
Participant in Atlanta,, GA
5.00 Stars

I got to revisit the grief I have been carrying the past 12 yrs. I will always carry him with me and knew that when I began course. Both of my parents died during the time I was working on this. I was prepared for their deaths. I carry the beautiful moments always.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Pensacola , Fl
4.00 Stars

In a time of transition moving state I was able to process the many types of grief I was burdened with and not move them with me but face them and leave them behind !

One-on-One Support
Participant in Santa Clarita, CALIFORNIA
5.00 Stars

The program has made me much more aware of the depth of the experience of loss, and how it is carried forward in life. I very much appreciated the concept of 'better, different, more'. I also appreciated hearing about ways in which we are encouraged to minimize and 'get over' our grief. Generally speaking, I felt this was a very accessible, not overly clinical, way of approaching a broad spectrum of losses. I agree that doing this work with another person is far more powerful than trying to work on issues alone.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Brookline, Massachusetts
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Denver, CO
4.00 Stars

I had already done a lot of work on the loss so felt this course was a great supplement, but not the only thing I did to complete the loss and let go. Again, I thought Sandi was great and chose to continue working with her on another grief issue. So, this course is urging me to go deeper, which I like.

One-on-One Support
Participant in New York , NY
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Minneapolis , MN
4.00 Stars

Gave me a new set of tools in my toolbox to work with on future problems

One-on-One Support
Participant in Burlington, Ontario
4.00 Stars

I feel the Grief Recovery Method helped me to express and finish some of the grief in my life in a healthy way.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

This program helped me to understand fundamental knowledge about the Grieving process.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Odessa, Odessa
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Pottstown , Pa
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
Participant in Frederick, MD
