Testimonials For One-on-One Online Support
I was traumatized terribly by my ex-husband, and it made me very resentful and angry.. this program allowed me to use the tools as a way of identifying the issue and recovering so I don't have to live like that. I wanted to be free. I believe that the 12-steps of AA set me up for success in this particular program because there are so many similarities, and that program worked for me years ago, too! So I was willing to do this work with an open heart and realized the promise of freedom was attainable, because I had accomplished it in the past by working another program.
One-on-One Online Support12/01/2021
I found the program excellent. It helped me to identify my difficulties in dealing with the loss of my partner were much more than that event, has helped me deal with those difficulties and set me on to a road where I feel I can see that there is a way forward. I cannot think of anything that this money could have been better spent on and will certainly recommend the program to others.
One-on-One Online Support11/30/2021
One-on-One Online Support11/30/2021
Its important to have programs that can help us heal, grow and understand the importance of letting go to pain safely in order to be functionable on our daily life.
One-on-One Online Support11/27/2021
This program helped me complete a family relationship that has been challenging for me throughout my life. Through facilitated reading, homework, and writing I was able to release issues I didn't even realize I had been carrying. I feel much lighter and happier--and I didn't have to wait for this family member to pass before I addressed it. I am now able to interact with love and light. Thank you!
One-on-One Online Support11/24/2021
I highly recommend this program to anyone grieving. I am so much better because of the Grief Recovery Method!!! Thank you Tamara and GRM!!!!
One-on-One Online Support11/22/2021
The Grief Recovery Process is more than just recovering from Grief, but a powerful tool to discover life long belief systems that do not serve the griever. By diligently doing the work I was able to not only end up seeing my loved one through new eyes, but I was also able to go back and pinpoint exact moments where I learned unhealthy behaviors and mindsets. Armed with the realization that these unhealthy patterns of behavior were never mine to begin with I was able to simple choose to "drop" them. There are no words to express just how freeing that was
One-on-One Online Support11/17/2021
It got out emotional feelings that I would have never been able to unload on anyone else. And I felt I had my facilitator was by my side through my early grief.
One-on-One Online Support11/16/2021
I have experienced losses in my life that have deeply hurt me and have affected my daily life. I have never done counseling of any kind, and I was skeptical of the Grief Recovery Method. This method, taken step-by-step and with attention and time, has made such a difference in how I view the loss of my dad now. Faye encouraged me to do the work and to take time with my thoughts and emotions. With her encouragement and patience and the clear direction and guidance of the Method book, I feel that I can move past the pain of the loss of my dad and all the unfinished communication and remember our whole relationship. I have someone else with whom I have a painful relationship. I am going to start my relationship graph for her soon. This is a method that I can use for the rest of my life.
One-on-One Online Support11/11/2021
The program helped me to see where I had learned wrong information about grief. Being able to learn more useful tools ensures my recovery from painful events. I believe my relationships will be fuller and more honest. I cannot change the losses of my past...but with this method I am able to be more open and vulnerable with the people I love.
One-on-One Online Support11/08/2021
The program really helped me with other losses too. Ricki is a wonderful chaplain. She is very sincere and caring.
One-on-One Online Support10/27/2021
It has helped me understand that we all have different ways of grieving and its okay to cry to have emotions and that I do not have to apologize for my grief and each of us may grieve for different reasons. I would recommend this program to anyone going through a loss
One-on-One Online Support10/26/2021
This program helped me to process my grief from the loss of a loved one. The tools that the program introduced me to has given me the means to process the emotional pain of other losses that I have experienced and is a skill set that I will be going back to help me.
One-on-One Online Support10/26/2021
I can say that I’m actively more aware now. When there is a sudden death, it’s so hard to figure out emotions. I can say that me as a human doesn’t spend enough time communicating and working through certain things… even when it comes to my kids. I’m acutely aware now of how lacking my communication has been and how important it is to the success of my marriage and my relationships with my children. Mostly, wanting them to grow up knowing good communication is key. STERBS were a little embarrassing to admit, but again, becoming acutely aware of what they are and how we use them and why we use them. Such a good way to become even more acutely aware of how we deal with emotions…stress, anxiety and grief. I feel like I can breathe now. I’ve said the things I wanted to say and now have no regrets. Thank you Steve Johnson!
One-on-One Online Support10/25/2021
One-on-One Online Support10/21/2021
One-on-One Online Support10/14/2021
I have experienced a lot of loss and trauma in my life and I knew there were areas in my past that I needed to work through and pain I needed to heal from. As scary and nerve racking as it was, Paula helped me work through these areas and made me realize that I am more than capable of moving past the pain and hurt I’ve carried on my shoulders for all these years. In this 8 week program I was able to forgive people in my life that I never imagined I would have the courage to do. Paula helped me understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean giving power back to the person that hurt you. It means setting yourself free from the pain they’ve caused you. I have learned so many incredible tools from Paula that I know will be so useful as I get older! I feel so fortunate to have been able to work with her!
One-on-One Online Support10/05/2021
It helped me really look at myself, my childhood, and the effects of how I came to cope over time from parental/family influences and my life experiences overall. It helped me get to the root of a problem and how to deal with it in a healthy way
One-on-One Online Support09/30/2021
One-on-One Online Support09/28/2021
I think the most helpful aspects of the program was that it normalized the feelings that I was having and showed me that I was not the only one who had experienced the specific loss that I worked on. It also helped me to identify the unhelpful thoughts that I was having and change them to reflect the whole picture. I think I will be more self aware moving forward in allowing myself to accurately identify and express my feelings.
One-on-One Online Support09/27/2021
One-on-One Online Support09/26/2021
One-on-One Online Support09/24/2021
Ioana helped me tremendously, the wealth of knowledge she has concerning grief made the program work very well for me. The love, the kindness and the support Ioana gave me pulled me out of the grief I was drowning in. The program worked for me by giving me the opportunity to speak my truth without judgement and interference. I had a chance to say everything I needed to say that hurt me and get my closure. I had a chance to say the good things I needed to say to acknowledge the love and the good times. I had the chance to say my wishes and hope for the the present and the future. I had the chance to bid the pain good-bye, and now the hyper-vigilance I used to experience has left me. The emotional medication I used to cope has stopped. I'm very grateful to the loving kindness Ioana has applied to this method. I now have the tools to use for every unpleasant situation I may experience in the future.
One-on-One Online Support09/23/2021
I feel more equipped to handle grief of any type that comes my way now,
One-on-One Online Support09/20/2021