Testimonials For Bobbie Rill, M.A., LPC, Specialist Trainer

5.00 Stars
Certification Training
5.00 Stars
Certification Training
5.00 Stars

It was wonderful experience it help me realize I had some unresolved grief as well as learning a great deal about grief I would recommend this to anyone who is struggling in grief or any kind of loss at all I think it’s super valuable for everyone

Certification Training
5.00 Stars
Certification Training
5.00 Stars
Certification Training
5.00 Stars

The training I received through the Grief Recovery Method Certificate program exceeded my expectations. The trainer, the materials, and the interactive and experiential training was graduate level work and has completely prepared me to work with clients who are experiencing loss on many levels.

Certification Training
5.00 Stars

simply put, it has been a success in helping people to grief properly and find a new normal in their life

Support Groups
Participant in Phoenix, AZ
