We Are Evidence Based
When you are suffering, on a daily basis, with the pain of a broken heart, there is one major question you need to ask yourself: Do I want to continue to suffer this pain for the rest of my life? Many people think this is the only option, and the fate they must endure forever. Many become accustomed to finding themselves in tears at odd moments throughout their days when they think of a love or relationship lost. Others believe that their loss has destroyed their happiness and sense of security, and now feel that they will be bitter and joyless forever. That is not the case. You have options that can move you out from under this cloud.

We, at the Grief Recovery Institute, are proud to say that research at Kent State University has shown that The Grief Recovery Method approach to helping grievers deal with the pain of emotional loss in any relationship is “Evidence Based” and effective. We are also proud to say that our program is the only Grief Support Program to have received this distinction of being evidence based!
What Does Evidence Based Mean?
The term “Evidence Based” means there is research that looked into how the Grief Recovery Method works and is published in a peer-reviewed journal. For this research, by Drs. Rachael Nolan and Jeff Hallam, published their results in two articles in “The American Journal of Health Education.” They also presented these studies at several conferences.
What this means is that their studies show that The Grief Recovery Method goes beyond a “best practice” or “promising approach” in dealing with the emotional pain of loss. This means there is high confidence that those who follow the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan can find happiness in their lives despite the loss they suffered.
The Grief Recovery Method helps grievers deal with those things they wish might have been different or better. It gives them the chance to address their dreams and hopes for the future, which is not the future they had planned. It helps them address the words left unspoken. It helps them with the lost relationship that they thought would cause them pain for the rest of their lives. All these things may sound too good to be true, but this research shows that this dream of a better tomorrow is very possible, thanks to the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan!
If you are here trying to find personal assistance in dealing with an emotional loss, we are here to help. We offer both group and one-on-one Grief Recovery Method Support Programs to assist grievers, no matter their emotional loss. Each of these programs are led by Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained by The Grief Recovery Institute. These Specialists are not just trained professionals, but are also individuals who used this same action plan to deal with loss in their own lives, and therefore understand the pain of grief on a very personal level! Please click here to find a specialist in your area. If there is no one in your community offering these services, we also offer support assistance, using the same tools, online or in special 2-Day Personal Workshop Programs, directed by specially trained online Specialists.
If you have been running grief support groups in the past and are looking for a proven method that will really make a difference for them, or are new to this field, we are proud to offer Certification Training Programs in The Grief Recovery Method. The four-day programs offered all over North America and all across the globe will not only give you all the tools and lesson plans to assist grievers in taking this evidence based action plan, but also provide them with materials to assist people one-on-one, with the loss of a pet and even with teaching parents how to best assist their own children with loss events of any kind.

Are you interested in supporting further university research into the value of The Grief Recovery Method?
If you feel inspired to want to support additional and ongoing university research into the value and effectiveness of the Grief Recovery Method, we invite you to make your tax-deductible donation directly to the Research Project at Kent State University, by clicking here. None of these contributions are in any way held or controlled by The Grief Recovery Institute and are strictly administered by Kent State under the watchful eyes of the University. Their research project on this subject is the only one of its kind.