Testimonials For Support Groups

5.00 Stars

I was able to organize and understand my life events and the grief associated with it for the first time, and I was able to see more clearly what I need to work through. I began to really understand how unfinished communication is affecting my life, and I feel I have a great method for dealing with it.

Support Groups
Participant in Schwenksville, PA
4.00 Stars

I hadn’t thought about it since completing the class except for going to a funeral and being more cognizant of what I said. I will also make an effort to call my friends who have had losses To try and offer comfort

Support Groups
Participant in Frankfort , KY
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Schwenksville , Pa
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in New York, NY
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in New York, NY
5.00 Stars

I've learned a lot about Grief. How everyone's grief is different and unique to the individual. I will not judge anyone again for their behavior effected by grief or loss. I feel that the process of completion left me free of the pain I was holding onto in my relationship. I will certainly continue to work through other relationships now using this program.

Support Groups
Participant in Dunnville, Ontario
4.00 Stars

I think for me personally the program was very interesting and helpful although I still have the death of my 23 year old to deal with and my dad. I think I could have benefitted with added time to work on those two deaths or at least a second one. Also I find that grieving a parent is quite different than grieving a child because most of us expect to outlive our parents. We know from an early age that that is the probability. I think I would prefer to work with those who have lost a sibling or child or spouse and have the parent grief as a separate program. I am going to continue with one of the people from my group to work through those other deaths. We all have more than one to deal with. I loved the relationship mapping part of the program - that seems to me to be the most powerful and even though we may not remember all the emotional events we have gone through, that was a simple way to view it all. I also felt the letter was so important. Thank you.

Support Groups
Participant in Watchung, NJ
5.00 Stars

The first three weeks were taken up by education regarding grief and grieving. For me it could have all been covered in the first week. Having only eight weeks in all I became hesitant but knowing the facilitators I trusted that the program works. After completing the loss history graph I began to feel the value. I chose a completely different event than what drew me to the program. Writing out the forgiveness, apology and emotional thoughts exercise was rough emotionally but when I completed my letter it truly was a release. I attended with a dear friend of mine and we both agree the power of this method is amazing and we are continuing to work on additional events sharing and learning together. The program gave me strength over events I had no idea I could have. I recommend my facilitators and the Grief Recovery Method program to anyone grieving.

Support Groups
Participant in Reno, NV
4.00 Stars

It has helped me to understand the normal versus abnormal way of dealing with grief. The assignments were intense, but in a positive way. I felt a huge relief from old ways of thinking. I felt that my soul got lighter after the assignments and through sharing them in the small group. I have a fresh perspective on grief and ways to deal with it. It was a unique experience and I never felt anything like it. I can describe it best as a lightness in my heart and soul. Like some heavy baggage was removed.

Support Groups
Participant in Bayshore, NY
5.00 Stars

I increased my understanding of grief and loss, the way people deal with and respond to it; I gained skills to work through difficult and painful feelings so that I can let them go. I thought the homework was well-laid out and not too arduous. I liked the pace of the class and exercises. I appreciated Joanna's enthusiasm and encouragement and praise and normalizing of emotions/behaviors. I connected with others in the group and will continue to do grief recovery work with them. I am looking forward to the alumni class.

Support Groups
Participant in Eugene, OR
3.00 Stars

The program made me deal with unfinished business, conflicting emotions, made me think of grief in a different way. I think it did help me bring some closure for me.

Support Groups
Participant in Watchung, NJ
4.00 Stars

The program was very intense and brought up a lot of buried feelings. It was an emotional experience which prompted me to reflect on both the positive and hurtful aspects of my relationship.

Support Groups
Participant in Watchung, NJ
5.00 Stars

Helped me grieve

Support Groups
Participant in Watchug , Nj
3.00 Stars

My comment is that this program is like "speed dating" for therapy. I don't recall why I went in the direction of choosing my mother to do the relationship graph, but perhaps because that relationship was much more troubled than others. It was great for working out issues with her. After years of therapy, it forced me to address issues that I had tip toed around in therapy. However, I came to the group to deal with my grief over the recent loss of my father and the not so recent loss of my cousin, who I still mourn intensely. I don't know that this program has helped me with those losses. Perhaps it has and I don't realize it. Perhaps I should do the relationship graph as to my relationship with them and it will help. What I'm trying to say is that this method seems great for dealing with less than great relationships, but for ones that were pretty good (in my case with my cousin, there's not much negative that I can even think of), I don't know how helpful it is.

Support Groups
Participant in Watchung, NJ
5.00 Stars

My perspective has changed, I discovered realizations that I would not have otherwise been able to uncover. It was hard to go through the process, I was procrastinating and not wanting to always move through it, but being in a group setting helped me stay accountable, and in the end I’m grateful I did.

Support Groups
Participant in Bayshore, Ny
5.00 Stars

Initially I was very skeptical- I am not the type of person who shares their problems or feelings; especially to a group. The first two weeks I felt worse leaving the session then when I went in- The program was stirring up emotions that I was fighting to keep inside. Although I started the program due to my Mother's death in April- I began to see a pattern on how I handled the deaths of my grandparents and other life events. In reality I hadn't handled anything; I just buried it deep. I was surprised to find out how much anger and guilt I was carrying around for years. The 8 week Grief Program ended the Monday before Thanksgiving. After the last session, I felt like some of the knot in my chest had dissolved- I was able to get through the Thanksgiving weekend without "falling apart".

Support Groups
Participant in Watchung, NJ
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Salt Lake City, Utah
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Lathrup Village, Michigan
4.00 Stars

It allowed me to gain insight into other losses that have effected me and that I had not recovered from.

Support Groups
Participant in Bozeman, MT
3.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Bozeman, MONTANA
5.00 Stars

I learned things that not only helped me to work on a specific loss from the past but also strategies to use for future incidents of loss/grief so that the feelings aren’t pushed down for years, which will only make it worse.

Support Groups
Participant in Oceanside, CA
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Malta, Ny
4.00 Stars

The program has helped me begin the work of the "rest of my life". I was so caught up in trying to hang on to the shreds of my old life (out of fear) that I was not seeing what was in front of me. By going through the program and making peace with the unfinished, I was able to open my heart to not only the future, but to live in the present.

Support Groups
Participant in New Munster, WI
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Westerville , Ohio
