Testimonials For Support Groups

5.00 Stars

this was the most important program I've done in my life... thanks for providing it in my town. LH I don't think I'd ask for their "personal story." they might think you want to know about what loss they worked on - or their "whole story." how about just asking - Please share a comment about the class if you'd like to. or... Please leave a comment about your experience with the program, if you'd like to.

Support Groups
Participant in WESTERVILLE, OH
3.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Canandaigua, NY
5.00 Stars

The program has changed my life! My view of loss, how to cope with loss, has completely changed. My understanding and compassion for others... can be one now that helps promote healing, simply from the tools I have gained going thru the program . I only viewed death as a loss. I now know loss comes in many forms and ways. I can recognize that now. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to heal in a loving , safe environment . My teacher was sooooo amazing! She has helped me face ugly truths and fears with a loveing hand guiding me along the way!! Thank you , thank you Rachel Jones! You and your class has changed my life forever. Which means it's also changed the lives of all those around me. 4ever grateful!!!

Support Groups
Participant in Santa Clarita , CA
3.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Canandaigua, NY
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Valencia, CA
4.00 Stars

it was very good for me to put the past in the past. to unload my backpack. and to learn all the emotions of grief. to say goodbye but still love and miss them. thanks

Support Groups
Participant in lethbridge, alberta
4.00 Stars

It helped me come to terms with the loss of a loved one.

Support Groups
Participant in Canandaigua, NY
4.00 Stars

Saying goodbye

Support Groups
Participant in Swarthmore, PA
5.00 Stars

I have gained a new strength and peace about myself through this experience. I am more able to deal with my grief and feelings of loss.

Support Groups
Participant in Wilmington, NC
5.00 Stars

I had just lost a relationship and the ability to see my daughter everyday when I found out about this program. It has allowed me to understanding forgiveness in a different light. It helped me open up my mind to understand that there are many different ways we grieve. Becoming aware of the ways made so much sense in understanding loss.

Support Groups
Participant in Denver , Colorado
5.00 Stars

The program helped me to have a new understanding of dealing with grief. It has helped me to find ways to recovery which I use in my everyday life. I recommend this to everyone which has experienced loss.

Support Groups
Participant in Agana Heights , GU
5.00 Stars

No other grief group or counseling helped after losing my daughter. My therapist gave me the Grief Recovery Handbook. As I began reading I knew then I wasn't crazy. I reserved your Web site and found Ellen Monsees. I called and attended, the 8 week group. I went in to work on the loss of my daughter but soon found I had unresolved grief with my mother. The homework was emotionally difficult but the directions were very clear. Using the book and Ellen guidance was easy to follow. I am saving money to be trained. I wish to become one of your graduates and help others.

Support Groups
Participant in Swarthmore, PA
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Valencia, CA
4.00 Stars

From an organizational prospective the program is very positive. This was revealed by a post feedback sheet from participants. The lack of hand function was problematic for some participants with reduced hand function. we had 100% participation over the duration of the program.

Support Groups
Participant in Winnipeg, Manitoba
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program helped me realize that certain events with certain relationships had affected me in ways that I never realized.

Support Groups
Participant in Brighton, MI
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Independence, OH
5.00 Stars

Learning what grief wasn’t was helpful. Learning the faux pas of what we say when dealing with grief was insightful. Loss isn’t just death, it’s any change positive or negative like graduating from college or having a baby. In graduation, you don’t go to that same campus you called home for so many years or see the people you see on a daily basis. In having a baby, you could grief the loss of it being just the two of you or the loss of getting sleep.

Support Groups
Participant in Gold Run, CA
4.00 Stars

It was a perfect blend of teaching and class participating and work alone on our specific issues. It was a very safe place to do a very hard thing.

Support Groups
Participant in Gold Run, CA
4.00 Stars

It was particularly helpful as regards the STERBs, which enabled me to re-evaluate and understand prior behaviors

Support Groups
Participant in Gold Run, CA
3.00 Stars

Эта программа изменила мою жизнь. Разделила её на до и после. Спустя 3.5 года я сама стала специалистом в этой программе т.к. результаты был настолько очевидные в хорошую сторону и в быстрый срок. Навык иметь дело с потерями всегда со мной. Я разобрала уже 15 значимых для меня отношений. И потери которые происходили уже после прохождения программы проживались более осознанно. Я благодарна Тэмми что привезла эту программу в Украину и многие люди теперь могут научится завершать болезненные отношения и приходить к тёплой грусти.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

This program has help me to not only get past the hard days of loss for a family member but to also get past the feeling that once the process of taking care of the all arrangements is over I will be able to move on. I will be ok.

Support Groups
Participant in Tucson, Az/us
5.00 Stars

It helped me look at the whole picture of my son and my loss.

Support Groups
Participant in Tucson, Arizona
5.00 Stars

I've worked with Jinnie on 3 losses total and have found it invaluable. The grieving process is individual to each person, but the basics that the program forces you to think about are across the board very important. Again, I am grateful for the experience.

Support Groups
Participant in Atlanta, GA
