Testimonials For Support Groups

4.00 Stars

I was able to voice previously unknown and unsaid emotions. I was able to recognize new patterns and connections in the relationship. I think I have a more realistic/true view of the relationship. And I have greater closure.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I'm looking forward to diving into the other grieves I have. I believe I will see the benefits seep out over time.

Support Groups
3.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Method helped me identify the deep loss I was feeling over the loss of my son. He was diagnosed with a mental illness in his late 20s and really, he's not the boy I raised. I grieve the loss of him as I once knew him, our dreams for him and this workshop gave me the opportunity to focus on what I'm really feeling and why. I got to forgive, apologize and express my significant emotional statement to him. Also, there are other losses I've experienced over my life. I now know what to do with grief and how to work through it. I did learn a lot.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I knew I had some unresolved issues with my Dad and his death. I didn't know however, how much. This course pulled it all out and asked me to write it all down. I really needed to see it that way and let it go.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I wrote a lot in the comments section for my facilitator. The same sentiments remain -please see them. In sum, I feel connected and indebted to a soul who was willing to meet me in a stormy sea. Now I see a horizon, ground again. While I still have much to build back up after a lot of loss, I was able to share and have witness. I felt the way I was able to group the SES, forgiveness and apology “content” gave me authentic expression versus victim tonality. I wanted this to be the case. My facilitator was super and careful to not let me pick up further self deprecating layers which may be easy for an Empath to sometimes pull in (work in progress to be mindful about). She showed me care to the very final minutes of the cumulative work. For ex. I wanted to apologize for not loving myself more and we neatly, professionally worked on this and I’m so glad we did. It was a quick line I was confused to add in from my end, and she was perceptive and present to know this was important. It was confused on my end and I’m truly grateful she is who she is and allowed me that extra question time-space and guidance to listen to that urge. Grateful I had this guide and that the work is what it is, planned, contained and thorough.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I feel released by pulling out the thorns of my heart that had been aching for many years. From now on, I'll be able to feel happy enough.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

Helped me to finally deal with things I had tried to hide for years.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
4.00 Stars

It helped me take the tools that I already have in my proverbial toolbox and use them effectively.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I was surprised by how little I had thought about losses, especially the intangible losses in my life and the lives of others, even though upon reflection it was easy to see how they had affected and shaped me. I see this as the beginning of deeper biography work around more than losses. My loss chart provides a good 'backbone' upon which to expand recollection and reflection on life experience. I am very grateful to have found this method. Thank you for seeing your own processes and creating a map for others.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I have learned better how to cope with unresolved feelings dealing with the loss of my family members

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

The program made my realize that grief is natural and unique to every individual. As a child I was told what generations before were informed!! There are no steps to grief it’s a process we work through to move on.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I learned new things on grief and how to find closure. These are things that I had never done before. I found a sense of relief upon completing the grief recovery on my dad. I look forward to put this to use on other losses that a in the way of causing me to live in the present. My facilitators are wonderful ladies, Darlene Remple and Jenifer Thom, not only did they teach us the tools we need but they showed humility, understanding, and compassion.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Through this program I realized that I'm not alone or weird for being stuck in a loss. I was given proper tools to help me complete any loss that I'm dealing with now and how to deal with losses properly as they happen.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

helped me process the loss of my son but also made me realize I have more losses to work on.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I have found logic to how my emotions work, that it is okay to have them. The book helps you see things as how you need to see them. Sometimes we cannot see until it is pointed out to us.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

This is an amazing program. It helped me after having lost my daughter I would highly recommend this to anyone

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I think it’s a helpful program and a great tool to have.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I said excellent because I cannot compare with other grief classes.This is the only one I took. It help me to organize my thoughts and to recognize all the losses I experienced in life.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Allowed me to understand and cope.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Good cooperation and instruction and teamwork support.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

The program is a good help to deal with personal losses.

Support Groups
