Testimonials For Support Groups

3.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I now see that I don’t have to work on all my problems at once. I can peel one layer off at a time by working on one person or situations at a time.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

It has been and excellent complement and addition to the recovery work I've been doing for the past 12 years. Excellent program. Very well organiz3d, presented and explained. Superb facilitation, well-trained. I now have more organizational tools for my work personally and professionally.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Outstanding Information

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
4.00 Stars

As I have spent a good part of my life working on self discovery and improvement I was a bit skeptical on what this program might be able to give me. However, my attitude is nothing tried, nothing gained. Turns out the technique of self discovery in this program really worked and I will be using it to complete other relationships in my life.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Incredible empathy and understanding with incredible tools implemented by the facilitator.

Support Groups
Participant in Mesa, AZ
5.00 Stars

This program has allowed me to forgive myself and a lot of other people who either wronged, hurt, disappointed or disrespected me. It provided a safe space for me to SPEAK how I really truly feel without judgement or consequences. Even though the offenders were not present, this program gave life to my hurts, acknowledgement of my pain and an opportunity to grow...this program is the beginning of making myself WHOLE. Thank You,

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I was able to grieve about things I thought I had processed and also learn how others need and want to be supported.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The STERBS helped me understand why I had the feelings about lost love ones

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I learned that I am a griever! One of the biggest things that helped me was learning that the majority of people DO NOT know how to treat someone who is grieving. I was so angry at everyone for how they were treating me that it made things worse and I was shutting down. This course helped me to forgive them and work towards forgiving myself. I have been giving myself permission to be human which was hard! Thank you for this program I think everyone should take this class so we can respect people’s emotions and feelings on a more sincere level!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

It has made me feel complete with with my relationship with my dad and helped me to move on. I also will continue my recovery with this book and apply what I have learned to all my un completeness with other relationships. I'm so thankful for this experience and I am now going to try to get my daughter to take the class.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Changed my thinking and emotions. Helped me to move on with my life.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program truly opened my eyes to facing my grief head-on, speaking to it, accepting it, and moving on. I'm a much better person for participating and I feel I have increased my ability to handle grief (past and future) with the tools needed to be successful. The reading and homework was very accommodating for someone like me, who works a full-time job and other activities. I'm constantly unconsciously helping others who are grieving. Including myself!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I got so much out of this group. I took it seriously, I worked hard on my grief. I had total faith that this program would work for me at orientation. I was excited and nervous to step into my grief and resolve my issues. I’ve completed my relationship with my Mom. I’m free. I’m clear headed. I can smile more, laugh more, feels safer too. I cannot stress enough how awesome Esther, Jeff and Anne are!!

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Provided an outlet for my grief and allowed me to bond with others who had shared experiences with loss

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program helped me organize my feelings and address them directly. Grief needs a plan of action and this definitely helped me to do that.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I now have tools and an understanding of how to face grief in the future as well as how to deal with current issues and events ongoing in my life.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I feel this was a very worthwhile program. It helped me identify parts of my relationship the were causing me pain. It also helped me to put my feelings into words. I believe more progress in my grief recovery is ahead as I continue to process what I've learned through the guidance of Janet Perrini and the program.

Support Groups
