Testimonials For One-on-One Online Support
One-on-One Online Support12/01/2020
I have lost a husband of 40 years. Because of Covid I am alone without family or friends around. It was comforting to share my loss with Ricki via "Zoom" - she had a good ear and was a calming influence. While I liked my appointment with Ricki, I didn't much enjoy the Grief Recovery Handbook. I understand there was a grief learning process to follow but the book 'annoyed' me. I felt the book covered too many different types of loss not related to my situation. I had very little background loss experience. I didn't feel comfortable seeking negative reasons within my relationship, although there were some undeniably. And I didn't care for the second book writer's input. I did my homework and read chapters and it wasn't until I sat with Ricki that I could put matters in perspective. I don't know how the program has worked for me. Obviously good or bad reasons listed above may stay with me and help me understand my loss as time goes on. Maybe I would have been happy just talking to Ricki but I also understand that the book gave structure to our appointment process.
One-on-One Online Support12/01/2020
It gave me a structure that is useful. My facilitator had excellent skills and empathy.
One-on-One Online Support12/01/2020
I had two courses of Bereavement Counselling in the past for two separate bereavements. This course goes way above and beyond in terms of working through grief - it's both explorative and enlightening in ways the previous courses I've done before really weren't. Even though I did this course years after first experiencing bereavement, there was still an enormous amount of emotional pain and grief I had to process and after the course I felt a real shift happen due to the way the exercises were structured.
One-on-One Online Support11/28/2020
I read the book by myself, and it was nothing compared to working with Robin.She was fantastic and helped me complete the loss of my father who died terribly. I am so grateful to her for how she facilitated the program and for the program itself. I have a lifelong toolkit and even decided to get a puppy instead of fearing loss because I know that no matter what happens, I have a way to heal. Thank you!!!
One-on-One Online Support11/25/2020
Naomi was a great coach and the program helped me work through recent grief and grief from my past. I learned a lot about grieving, feelings and reactions. I learned that I do not have to let the grief from my life control me. I am very grateful to Naomi and the program.
One-on-One Online Support11/23/2020
Wendy created and held a sacred space for me as I shared my losses. I was able to express myself and emotions without worrying I would be judged, shamed or not be enough. Being able to acknowledge my losses this way revealed patterns that were not lifegiving. It allowed me to let go of thought patterns that were creating hardships in my life.
One-on-One Online Support11/19/2020
The program helped me acknowledge my un-helpful ways of responding to grief. Thus I could begin to shift to helpful ways. And my facilitator and the book's exercises guided me in un-covering un-expressed grief and then expressing it in a safe manner. I did not realize how much space that un-expressed grief was taking up inside me until I completed the program. Quite cathartic and freeing for me.
One-on-One Online Support11/19/2020Participant in virtual, virtual
This Grief Recovery Program has totally revitalized my emotional life. I had not realized how emotionally shut down I had become as a result of so much unprocessed grief going back into childhood until, suddenly, I was opening up and joy was finding freedom to flourish.
One-on-One Online Support11/19/2020Participant in Alexandria, , Virginia
Cara did a great job of encouraging me to be honest with myself and say the things that I have been thinking in my head for the last 12 years. This is really what I needed to do to grow from this experience. Cara is a great facilitator for this very valuable program and I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has experienced a loss.
One-on-One Online Support11/18/2020
It detailed and explained how to work through your grief instead of bury it. Faye is an incredible human being and if it wasn't for her patience and understanding of the program I probably 2ould have quit after the first couple weeks.
One-on-One Online Support11/17/2020Participant in Nappanee, Indiana
One-on-One Online Support11/14/2020Participant in Jersey City, NJ
I found the whole process quite emotionally exhausting but also exceptionally cathartic. It surfaced many long buried memories, both good and bad, but left me feeling a great sense of closure and with a positive, balanced memory of my mother. For the first time I saw her as an average, normal, individual with strengths and weaknesses who genuinely loved me in spite of her (and my) flaws. I cried a lot, but by the end I felt quite relieved and very much at peace.
One-on-One Online Support10/28/2020Participant in Ilford, Essex
I do not wish to have my information published.
One-on-One Online Support10/27/2020Participant in New Fairfield, CT
One-on-One Online Support10/25/2020Participant in online, ohio
One-on-One Online Support10/21/2020Participant in Fayetteville, Oh
By working through old grief around my relationship with my mother, who is still alive, my current relationship with her has improved tremendously. I am very thankful for this program.
One-on-One Online Support10/21/2020
One-on-One Online Support10/21/2020Participant in Lake Forest, Ca
It has allowed me to moved forward in life without carrying the pain and grief of the past with me.
One-on-One Online Support10/20/2020
One-on-One Online Support10/19/2020
The program has allowed me to learn the tools in order to forgive, but not forget my losses with my relationships. It has allowed me to be more self aware of my habits and routines when I cross paths with grief. I learned that I needed to be more kind to myself, but also to take the time to grieve as it is necessary, and allow myself to feel what I feel openly. This experience has allowed me to feel more confident and secure about possible future losses, and how I will be able to go about them.
One-on-One Online Support10/15/2020Participant in Cambridge, Ontario
My facilitator shared how she could relate & vlidated my feelings, while continuing to nove forward.
One-on-One Online Support10/15/2020Participant in n/a, n/a
One-on-One Online Support10/15/2020Participant in Lexington, KY
Deeply valuable.
One-on-One Online Support10/13/2020