Testimonials For One-on-One Online Support
Initially, I decided to start the program after the loss of my mother. However, after my first session with Aida, we both came to the conclusion that there was other grief I had to deal with before being able to move on to the loss of my mother. This was really remarkable and life changing for me. I had a hard time dealing with my emotions before beginning this program. I was often too hard on myself and not as honest with myself about daily struggles that had always bothered me. This program has allowed me to grow both emotionally, mentally, and also physically. Before the program I was confused, lost, frustrated and over all depressed. After the six week program, I have seen a complete 180 in my day to day life. This program has changed my life for the better and I am looking forward to working with Aida through the alumni program.
One-on-One Online Support06/23/2020Participant in Baltimore, Maryland
The program definitely has made an impact on my life and continues to. I was filled with anger and resentment at a key figure in my life in a time of uncertainty and impactful life changes. The program helped me deal with those feelings in a productive way. I find that the intense feelings are gone and I feel much more able to move forward with this person in a healthy and productive way.
One-on-One Online Support06/21/2020Participant in N/A, N/A
This program has opened my pain to me, the program has opened to me a way of recovery and pain relief. In my opinion this is a unique way to restore mental and spiritual and physical health. Many thanks!!!!
One-on-One Online Support06/16/2020Participant in Stavropol , Stavropol region
As human nature it would be very easy to procrastinate about doing the recovery work homework...the recovery method and facilitator is a very motivating when you start to see results.... grief recovery is an amazingly clear process to facilitate the difficult emotions associated with grief.
One-on-One Online Support06/16/2020Participant in Mira loma, Ca
Found the peace I didn’t know I was looking for. Grateful for this time to process through grief.
One-on-One Online Support06/16/2020Participant in Cincinnati, Ohio
I really enjoyed the easing in to the really hard work at the very end. Adrienne was Very compassionate, understanding and accommodating.
One-on-One Online Support06/15/2020Participant in Graniteville, SC
This was an 8-week, one-on-one weekly meeting through zoom with Lesleigh. We went through the book and I did all the exercises and then we discussed them in each session. I found the combination of written homework, reading, and one-on-one sessions to be very effective. My life is truly changed. I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted from me psychologically. Lesleigh is an incredible teacher - she has all the skills an excellent facilitator needs - wisdom, intelligence, compassion, empathy, insight and also a great sense of humor. I recommend her very highly! Thank you so much for this amazing program - it has really helped me. :-) Marni
One-on-One Online Support06/10/2020Participant in Van Nuys, CA
One-on-One Online Support06/09/2020Participant in Austin , TX
It helped me to look at all my losses. It helped me to process my grief and unfinished business.
One-on-One Online Support05/21/2020Participant in Wyncote, PA
Before starting this program I felt very lost and was looking for concrete steps to help move me through the grieving process. Grief recovery has now become a tool that helps me navigate daily life in an intentional way that brings mindfulness to where I am in that specific moment. It was incredibly validating to my experiences while grieving and made me feel comfortable with the idea of completion. I can't say enough good things about how this program has helped me grow and find peace.
One-on-One Online Support05/14/2020Participant in Waterloo, ON
The Grief Recovery Method has given me simple yet powerful tools to help me achieve both balance and completion in areas of my life that were swirling with dissatisfaction and grief. I appreciate the program's structure that gave me the power to examine my emotions, organize my thoughts and release the different kinds of grief in my life. I feel like I can appreciate the current moment in my life because I am not stuck dwelling on the past.
One-on-One Online Support05/14/2020Participant in Paris, Ontario
My mother passed away and even though I knew her death would eventually come I still wasn't prepared. I kept thinking she would make it through her illness and give us a few more months or another year. So when she passed away in her sleep it was still sudden and I wasn't at her bedside. The Grief Recovery Method helped me take the pain off my shoulders that there were still some things I regretted that I should have done and that I should have said to her. I believe going through this process and writing the good bye letter has helped me get through this loss progressively so that I don't feel a heavy burden on me. It probably would have taken me longer to recover from her death if I were able to ever to. The Grief Recovery Method helped ease the heavy pain of losing a loved one. I am glad I was brave enough to complete the program and feel I can move on with my life without feeling I still had some unresolved matters with my mom.
One-on-One Online Support05/13/2020Participant in Culver City, CA
The program afforded me significant personal growth. I have already referred several people and will continue to do so. As in AA, getting "it" OUT there, both verbally and on paper assists with the healing process and it is amazing how society still is so uncomfortable with feelings. All I can do is continue to feel my feelings and encourage my children to do so to promote our healthy living.
One-on-One Online Support05/12/2020Participant in Thousand Oaks, CA
A friend told me about this program and how they believed it would help my depression. I was puzzled by the thought but after months of struggling I decided it was in my best interest to learn more. The program was amazing and I am forever changed by the concepts I learned and the relief from the darkness I was experiencing.
One-on-One Online Support05/08/2020
One-on-One Online Support04/23/2020Participant in Ottawa, Ontario
The Grief Recovery Method is extremely helpful. I truly believe that EVERYONE would benefit from it.
One-on-One Online Support04/18/2020Participant in Bend, OR
Joe D was my grief counselor and I don’t think I could have picked someone more perfectly suited for me. In this program, I learned more about what grief really is and the education was priceless. Learning how to open up and understanding my feelings was a life changing discovery. Thank you, I will forever be grateful.
One-on-One Online Support04/14/2020Participant in Schaumburg, IL
I was able to define my losses more easily or for the first time. I was able to decrease the pain of loss, not the memory. I was able to find resolution in relationships that I did not have before. I was able to see myself through more truthful eyes. I understood how as a child, I had no power or effectiveness in outcomes and developed inappropriate emotional responses to adult/child situations. I liked myself better and stopped blaming me for things I had no control over.
One-on-One Online Support04/02/2020Participant in Tucson, Arizona
Highly recommended for anyone who has gone through general counseling (or even if you haven’t ) yet still feels deeper healing needs to be done. This is a program like none other. It reaches down and searches the innermost parts of our souls to find the hidden areas that need final healing once and for all. I’m ready to do even more work in other relationships and bring about more freedom to walk this life.
One-on-One Online Support03/25/2020Participant in Austin, Texas
I needed help with a loss in a relationship. The program helped me realize this. I will be forever grateful!
One-on-One Online Support03/24/2020Participant in louisville, Ky
Когда мне было 8 лет у меня умерла бабушка. На протяжении жизни, особенно в подростковом возрасте, иногда она мне снилась, как-будто она живая и где-то живёт, хотя я не знаю где. Примерно в 35 лет у меня ночью воры угнали автомобиль. И после этого меня часто беспокоили сны, где я видел, как у меня угоняют автомобиль и я в страхе просыпался. В итоге мне стало тягостно иметь автомобиль и я его продал. До сих пор у меня нет автомобиля. Такие сны беспокоили меня и в итоге привели на программу по Методике Восстановления скорбящего. Когда я начал проходить программу, то обнаружил, что пережитая мною смерть моего отца (спустя 7 лет), от боли из-за которой, как я считал, я к тому времени уже исцелился, продолжает влиять на меня и забирает мою способность радоваться. Также я обнаружил множество утрат, которые накопились эмоциональным грузом и лишили мою жизнь счастья и радости, а наполнили ее тревогой, страхами, гневом на близких, вредными привычками (например, "заедать" негативные переживания, от чего я приобрёл лишних более 30 кг), стало ухудшаться здоровье и перспектива жизни выглядела удручающе. Утешающей мыслью стала мысль о том, что "мы все рано или поздно умрем и мучения закончатся". Когда в результате прохождения программы я осознал свою ответственность за реакцию на утраты и освоил практичные инструменты, которые помогли завершить боль и избавиться от нее, в мою жизнь вернулись силы и энергия созидать, добиваться, мечтать и воплощать мечты, переживать радость и счастье, и, в целом, жить, а не влачить существование и ждать неминуемого конца. Огромная благодарность переполняет меня. Появилось желание пройти подготовку в качестве Специалиста по Методике восстановления скорбящих, чтобы помочь другим людям также восстановиться и вернуться к полной жизни.
One-on-One Online Support03/21/2020
As a person with chronic illness, I was grateful that i could meet with Francine via Skype. I have done a good bit of grief & loss work before but wanted to dig deeper for more healing. Her commitment to listen without any interruptions of insights or judgements was very helpful. I appreciate the histograph and relationship graph. It was good to acknowledge all the areas that worked and didn't work in each relationship. I feel the activity section of the book that has you write out recovery components - apologies, forgiveness and unspoken feelings is duplicated in the completion letter. This redundancy made me feel bored and frustrated with the process. I did it for my first person but skipped to the letter for my second one since it contained exactly the same material as the recovery component list. I would urge you to make the process less tedious by having the person write the recovery components straight into the completion letter - since the material is exactly the same! My greatest current grief is loss of ability due to a chronic illness. There is nothing that helps me process this grief. I wish the book was broader in scope. Instead it gives a process to deal with relational grief. In future printings, I hope it expands to include all types of grief. And also eliminate the redundant 2nd step of writing out a recovery component list.
One-on-One Online Support03/09/2020Participant in Phoenix, AZ
For me, relief came.
One-on-One Online Support03/03/2020Participant in Rostov-on-Don, Rostovskaya oblast
I discovered a set of my mistakes in my relationship with my sister. Liberation has come.
One-on-One Online Support03/02/2020Participant in Rostov-on-Don, Rostovskaya oblast