Testimonials For One-on-One Support

5.00 Stars

I was referred to GRM by a friend who found it helpful after losing her husband. I was skeptical that it could help me to feel better after experiencing so many losses over the past few years. Learning the method with a supportive specialist has really helped me, much to my surprise. I have only completed one relationship so far and am working on the next one. I will continue to use the method to work on my losses and appreciate that my specialist is going to continue working with me on those. Overall, I feel lighter, healthier and I have hope that as I continue to use the GRM, I will feel even better. Thank you for this program, I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I came into this program because I felt so out of touch with myself and struggling with a new death in the family. When the program was described to me I thought of two possible losses that I wanted to address. Working with my facilitator, I chose to deal with the loss of my father when I was a child. This program helped me learn that saying things that do not address the heart/emotions can cause more conflict and difficulties over time. Being able to go back and revisit many things that happened in my life/relationships (the Relationship Graft) was very helpful. I am also pleased to know that I can reach out to my facilitator when I want to continue this work and losses I've identified through the course work.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Working through this program allowed me to see stages of my life that have been overlooked. Now that I have learned these valuable tools, I plan to go back to my graph and work on other aspects that would benefit from releasing.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Таня очень деликатна, толератна, комфортно было обсуждать с ней болезненные темы. Программа помогла осознать то, что влияло разрушительно на последующую жизнь после развода. помогла взять эти аспекты под контроль и закрыть болезненные вопросы. Программа дала чувство уверенности на будущее. Потери влияли разрушительно на мое восприятие действительности. Программа помогла научиться останавливать эти процессы.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Kyiv,
3.00 Stars

I am a retired social worker who has had extensive therapy. I still was able to benefit by this targeted method.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

This program was perfect to helping me process and complete my grief. I now have the tools to help me with future loss.

One-on-One Support
2.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

From Chapter One to the last chapter, it was very eye-opening and really made me delve into the reasons why I was grieving so so much. Everything was very simple and laid out perfectly for someone like me that doesn’t like to read. It was very helpful getting to talk with Cindy about what I read and what I understood so she reiterated that I was understanding correctly and progressing well. Just was a good experience.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

I was able to recognize behaviors and patterns that I picked up throughout life. I am learning to set boundaries and know how to process emotions and deal with situations appropriately.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It helped me come to forgive my dad for things I shouldn’t have been holding onto. Now I feel more free and much less hatred and anger towards him.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

I found the structured process very beneficial. It gave me a way to move forward through difficult feelings with confidence.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

An amazing, life-changing experience! So very grateful to have had the opportunity.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

The process was gentle and easy to follow. By the end, I was able to see the fuller picture of my grief and come to a place of rest in it.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It helped me to reduce the pain and guilt I felt. I'm not experiencing the amount of emotional pain and able to recognized that I should have regresses and not feel guilty . I could not have gone on without this program. Kellie was truly sent to me by Jesus and I thank him every day. The program was very effective and Kellie executed all aspects of the program professionally and with compassion for my feeling. I will recommend this program and Kellie to family and friends who suffer any major loss in their live. Joe Scimeca

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Who knew that grief could actually move me to a new understanding about the 'selected loss' and myself? The methodical nature of the Grief Recovery Method provided a structure that served to hold me as I dug deeper into the process. I truly feel I came to a break-through where I had a sense of completion. Best of all, it has held...

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It has given me an amazing understanding of why I have felt certain ways and couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Thank you so much for this program. It can help so many people. I’ve already recommended it to several of my friends.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Second grief journey, check and check. The lightness I feel can be specifically identified by the word "vapor". Not a readily used or thought of word for me. As God often does, He illuminates my path by one powerful message that is so distinctive its undeniable in truth and undiscernible to anyone but me. Then right when I'm smiling through a long grocery store line, a soul appears and whispers to me, "you are like a vapor". Can you imagine living your entire life with shame so heavy permeating every decision, thought, and action? I'm going to begin my 3rd journey in the next 2 weeks. Endless joy, peace, and learning comes flooding in, soaking every cup full of kindness and love. My husband of many years is supportive and grateful. Incredibly difficult this work. It takes time. It takes courage. It takes a tremendous amount of trust. Cindy (GRM Facilitator) is smart, humble, creative, gracious, supportive, engaging, and respectful. She listens with her eyes and leads with her heart. She asks the perfect questions that stay with you like a hiking friend on your uphill journey. Just when you finish your thought that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, she adds levity, and gifts you with that unbelievable smile. I can only say that her support is like a huge mirror. She holds it up for you to see yourself. Full of grace, beauty, and endless love.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program has helped me deal with my grief. It has helped me concentrate on me and not everyone else. Julie was amazing. I have already recommended her to several friends. Thank you so much

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

We worked our way through the program and got a lot out of the weekly assignments. Writing the final letter last week of homework pulled it all together and helped us feel "free". Thank you for the opportunity to heal and move forward after our loss.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

The program gave in an insight as to how important it is too have complete communication In your life. It gave me tools to complete my communication. Ìt helped me to focus and find healing It helped me find peace

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Gently uncovered things I previously couldn’t see about myself. Gained added self awareness. Introduced vocabulary and explanations of grief and loss. Learned tools to implement in dealing with loss/recovery. Restored hope. Changed my relationships for the better. Enlightened me on what to do/not do to others experiencing loss.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

A remarkable program that helped to complete some very old, as well as as more recent and complex grief. This has been a truly profound and life-changing experience, and I am grateful for the program. Glenn was a remarkable facilitator and so compassionate, knowledgeable and kind. Thank you

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It has allowed me to complete innumerable loose ends and unfinished experiences with my father. I could not have anticipated the relief and peace that finalizing the program provided. My father is alive but we have had a very challenging relationship. I saw him last week and it was so peaceful and I didn't feel like a powder keg in the days after or before. My wife has noticed a positive difference in my regular countenance and demeanor. I am so overwhelmed and grateful for this process and the results. Thank you.

One-on-One Support
