Testimonials For One-on-One Support

5.00 Stars

Hounaïda is very talented and probably saved my life. I was hopelessly lost dealing with a messy divorce and she helped me see that I can create whatever outcome I want and got me out of my depression and negative thoughts. Most impressive is my kids have tools to manage now and they're much better at expressing themselves and seem happier overall. Thanks again Hounaïda!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Program gave me a path to healing. My husband and I were in a wreck and he died at age 51, as I tried to breathe for him. Becoming a widow at 48 I felt lost, alone, hopeless. My first meeting with Kari brought me a comfort in knowing someone understood what I was going though, someone could relate to an unexpected death at a young age. This was incredibly important to me, having someone that got what I was going through. Throughout the program I was taught to truly evaluate my relationship and appreciate not only the love, but the grief. While I felt (and still feel) like the rest of the world just kept on turning while I was stuck in hell, Kari understood and gave me a safe space to talk, cry, laugh and learn about how to move forward in this world that continues to turn. I am also struggling with a brother who has stage 4 cancer and I know, sadly, that I will be losing him, but I now know I can use this program to help me through that loss as well. I have been to many widow groups, therapists, PTSD treatments, Kari brought a personal, free to say what you want environment that, on many days, allowed me to breathe and put that next step forward. I'm so thankful.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program helped me let go of my anger and to better understand forgiveness.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

I was able to make peace with a broken relationship

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It has completely changed my life. I feel in control of my body and mind for the first time in my life. My husband, children and friends have all commented on how much I’ve changed for the better, how confident I am and how I’m now enjoying life for the first time.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I have been hoping and praying for years to find proper tools and methods to assist in going back to the unresolved grieving places. This class is a game changer!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I worked on my loss of relationship with my Brother and the program really showed me how grief is different for everyone and the different kinds of grief. Not only was I able to let my Grief go and move on but I can take everything this program has taught me with me in the future for further use if needed. I feel much more happy and free than I did before.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program was so intuitive- the next week always seemed to be what I was feeling the need to explore further. I would never have pushed myself to this depth of healing without my facilitator. She was full of wisdom, inspiration and patience and I am forever changed. The freedom I feel after this process fills me with relief and empowerment. Highly recommend!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

This program helped me look at grief a completely different way and helped me find new coping ways to help with my losses in life.

One-on-One Support
3.00 Stars

I found the program and it’s concepts very intriguing. Saying goodbye to all the “apologies”, “forgivenesses”, and significant emotional statements seemed to have some merit. All in all, I did derive some benefit from the course however I am still deeply distressed by my loss. Going back to the Good Bye letter doesn’t seem to help significantly. Poignant memories still maintain a feeling of significant loss which is a constant source of pain.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

This program really opened my eyes to a lot of ways that I was feeling and habits that I had. I am so thankful I completed and will always remember everything I learned

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

There are certain aspects of my life that I feel I can now move forward with.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

I am now processing my grief and no longer in the state of depression I was in. I could not see past my grief or how I would start moving forward and this program put everything in perspective for me and let me know it is a process that I will start to heal from. I am still on my healing journey and the program was definitely a factor in helping start to heal.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Renewed confidence in my convictions and ability to take responsibility for oneself rather than fixate on another's behaviour. I feel much happier and able to live life being myself without the inner critic. It has helped greatly with relationships too

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

The program was EXCELLENT. It was a difficult but necessary journey for me. I worked through a lot of difficult emotions. I know I will use the toolkit for other relationships/loses.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program has given me the tools on how to complete the relationship with any pain or grief that I have listed on my history graph.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The problem was outstanding and I recommend it to anyone dealing with grief to give this program a try

One-on-One Support
Participant in Orlando, Florida
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
