Testimonials For One-on-One Support

5.00 Stars

I first wondered how a program that is so structured could help with something as amorphous as grief. Yet I had no other ideas on what I could do to sort out my troubles. I had been in counseling and read widely on the matter of grief. The formulaic structure did make some sense to me so I signed on. I have been amazed at how well the process has worked! I started with my relationship with my father. Sixty plus years of loss and angst and grief has finally been eased, completed. I can see more clearly now and am grateful for the skills I learned. There are several more people that I will go through the process with and know it will help me unload the rocks I carry in my heart.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

It worked very well for me, the time was right. I could have gone a bit longer and I am glad I can book another session if required. I was a little skeptical a the beginning and wasn't sure that it would be helpful but as time went on I could see that it actually made a difference. I am glad that it was an update from the Kubler-Ross process that I was familiar with.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

When I started I wondered if it was too soon, do I need to grieve Craig longer? This program was hard! I didn’t know I could produce that many tears at one time, in every single session.Kari said “While grief will have a lifelong impact you are not meant to grieve forever. Grief is a teacher” and this is how I knew I didn’t do it too early. I did this now because when my mom died I wanted to die, for more than 2 years, and I could not and did not want to feel that way for that long again. After going through this program I have a lighter head, literally my head feels lighter, things matter again, I’m not consumed about the shit that was the last year, and I know I’ll be ok. I’m so grateful to Kari, for her compassion, her honesty, her ability to listen so well, and just being so present with me as I walked this journey.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

This program has helped me to understand that I’m not saying goodbye to the person, but to that which was lost.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

This was my fifth time through. This process has been truly transformational in my life. Thank you.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I finally found a method I could believe in and that works for me long term. I have tried other ways of coping with loss, death, and grief, and this method is more approachable and more straightforward to complete.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I was surprised to learn about the many different kinds of grief and the impact seemingly insignificant events from my childhood have had on my adult life.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It was an amazing program, it hit everything I was feeling at the time and has given me the opportunity to live my life again. I now have the tools to reevaluate my life to see how I can become better and work through those losses if they come back in my life.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program has given me the tools I need to help with the loss of my Husband. I would recommend it to anyone who is having similar problems.

One-on-One Support
3.00 Stars

While the programme was a positive experience in allowing me to address the losses that I have experienced in my life I feel that I am possibly clinically depressed and therefore also need the intervention of medication and gp advice/referral. This I am now pursuing.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program helped me in moving forward with the grief of my little sister.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The sun is shining again and I'm light hearted thanks to Kari and the Grief Recovery Method. While I still have moments where shed some tears, they pass quickly. I'm finding joy again in the simple things and most importantly, my mindset has shifted. I am thankful for every moment I still have with my husband as he slowly fades away due to dementia. We laugh more and we love more. Before I was mad and yes, at times mad at him for getting sick. Not anymore!!!!! While our life will never be the same, we are living to the fullest what life we have together and treasuring every moment. Whatever version of him I wake up with each morning it's going to be ok because I have the tools I need. If you are reading this and thinking....should I sign up? Do it!!!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program has been totally life changing for me. It made me see things at a different angle and to understand why. Joanna was very easy to speak to and open up to. This course really has changed my life. I have recommended this to everyone!

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

My son died and I had other children at home. I needed to keep going so I ignored my grief for 16 years until I was tired of being so angry at everything. I saw a Facebook post about Kari and this program so I checked it out. I was immediately comfortable and at ease with Kari. I trust her and felt very safe. The work was hard but I am very grateful for Kari's gentle prodding and encouragement along the way. The Grief Recovery Method has helped me to start to let go of the hurt, but not let go of the memory and love. I feel like I have better skills and mental preparedness after completing the Grief Recovery Method to navigate future losses as well.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I am able to say Goodbye to the suffering and disturbances of my past relationship and move forward with a feeling of freedom.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I have used talk therapy four times in my life with limited and temporary results. I was able, with the help and expertise of my Grief Recovery Institute Facilitator, to address and complete in seven weeks what had been tormenting me for a lifetime. Now I have the awareness and the tools to live a much happier life, free from the patterns and old behaviors that were so damaging. You CAN be whole and free again - if you are willing to be honest and do the hard work of Recovery.

One-on-One Support
3.00 Stars

It worked better than I thought it would. My facilitator was excellent and helped me understand the program a little better.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program helped me with my loss in a different way I always had before. When my husband died suddenly, I was at a loss on how to go forward. I had been with him for 36 years and trying to find my new life has been very challenging. Kari helped me work through some things that were not allowing me to live. I knew I couldn't spend the rest of my life despondent over his loss. He wouldn't want me to live like that either. I'll never not stop loving him and missing him, but the resulting anxiety and depression has lifted and I'm seeing my life I bit clearer.

One-on-One Support
