Testimonials For One-on-One Support
Love this program
One-on-One Support05/13/2022
One-on-One Support05/12/2022
Having a structure and an end product definitely worked for me, I felt much more than having a similar number of talking therapy sessions. I also found it hugely beneficial speaking to someone who had also experienced trauma in their life. The structured form of the programme really helped me put things in perspective. It allowed me reflective time between sessions to consider the things we had discussed.
One-on-One Support05/11/2022
One-on-One Support05/11/2022
The step by step process made it easy to process the recent death of my mother and helped me to understand this loss and myself from the perspective of other losses I experienced throughout my life.
One-on-One Support05/11/2022
Susan is professional, kind, and understanding. It was very easy to talk with someone listening with their undivided attention. After a sudden death in my family, it was a challenging time to process what had happened and how all the dynamics changed instantly. Her knowledge and patience were helpful as she guided me through the steps of the process. Being in a safe space where emotions were allowed to be expressed was extremely healing. Having closure allows me to focus on the good memories and make clear positive choices moving forward. I am forever grateful and appreciate all the tools that I will continue to use in the future.
One-on-One Support05/10/2022Participant in Fairfield, CT
I had buried my grief as a survival mechanism and was really unsure whether I could excavate it. My guide was very supportive and gave me the courage I needed to “go there.” I needed to unearth this blockage to my healing journey and now, one week after completing with my guide, I feel more alive and better able to hold all that we are being asked to hold in these uncertain times. I feel that this work has freed me up to be of greater service to the world. Thank you! I have already made multiple recommendations to people I know.
One-on-One Support05/10/2022
This is outstanding program. I wish I knew about it a long time ago!
One-on-One Support05/10/2022
The program helped me understand all of the different aspects of like that can impact you relationships and outlook. I am also able to more effectively recognize and appropriately deal with grief of those around me.
One-on-One Support05/09/2022
One-on-One Support05/05/2022
The program helped me face several losses in my life including the most recent and impactful one... my father. I learned to face that it is ok to be selfish that he is not here which is something that i have not done.
One-on-One Support05/03/2022
One-on-One Support05/03/2022
The GRM walked me through foundations of grief (death of a parent) to current grief (rejection by an adopted child) to future hardships (upcoming move). This was a 10/10 program that I want to pursue becoming a grief Recovery Specialist to help others.
One-on-One Support05/03/2022
It made me much more aware of my emotions and how to get in touch with them. I was then able to take responsibility for them and let go of expecting anyone in the past to change them for me.
One-on-One Support05/02/2022
The program helped me release the weight of the emotions and baggage that came with ending the relationship I had with my toxic mother. I see everything in my life with a different perspective in all aspects after completing the GRM.
One-on-One Support05/01/2022
One-on-One Support04/29/2022
I have a new understanding of grief and how it has affected my life. I love that this is a method and gives tasks to gain understanding and skills. My expectations were exceeded.
One-on-One Support04/29/2022
It showed me growth, how lable the diffrent types of gief that im was dealing with
One-on-One Support04/28/2022
One-on-One Support04/28/2022
My grief specialist was very caring and encouraging. She explained to me that there are many forms of grief and if not completed, it will arise in other areas of our lives. I have completed one relationship and plan on continuing my work with her. There is hope in my future to not repeat same mistakes. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone struggling with a loss/grief.
One-on-One Support04/28/2022
The facilitator had a great understanding of what I was going thru having experienced the same loss of a sister. She helped me with unfinished grief with multiple loss in my family,
One-on-One Support04/27/2022Participant in San diego, California
Give me back energy and happyness. Free me from barrer to act, talk to be satisfied. Give a better overview of my relationship Emotional statement, forgivness apologies
One-on-One Support04/27/2022
I learned that a loss is not just associated with death. Loosing friendships is considered a loss.
One-on-One Support04/26/2022
This program has open my eyes to a different side of how to go through grief. Grief Recovery has help me to over come all my emotions that was hurting my well-being physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. And today I am free, I am ok. Grief recovery understood me when no one else did.
One-on-One Support04/26/2022